The Importance of CyberSecurity for Non-profits Organization: A need of the hour

The Importance of CyberSecurity for Non-profits Organization | CyberPro Magazine

Importance of CyberSecurity for Nonprofits

The Importance of CyberSecurity for Non-profits Organization | CyberPro Magazine

There is an increase in awareness of the importance of cybersecurity for non-profits to handle sensitive information such as donor details, financial records, and sometimes even personal information about the beneficiaries. After COVID-19 -19 non-profit organizations have started relying on digital platforms for fundraising and data management. Due to the sudden use of these digital platforms, cyberattacks are increasing daily.

According to Microsoft’s 2021 Digital Defence Report, they account for 31% of nation-state attacks, with 41% of Geneva-based nonprofits reporting cyberattacks in recent years. If proper cybersecurity measures are not applied, it will lead to severe service disruptions, financial losses, and loss of beneficiary data. Cybersecurity is crucial for organizations to continue fulfilling their missions and protecting the people they serve. 

CyberSecurity Risks for Non-profit Organizations

Let’s understand the risks for non-profit organizations.

The Importance of CyberSecurity for Non-profits Organization | CyberPro Magazine

1. Limited Budgets

Generally, non-profit organizations have limited budgets, thus it is not feasible for them to hire cybersecurity experts or invest in robust cybersecurity measures.

2. Lack of Cybersecurity Awareness

Non-profit organization leaders don’t have the time and knowledge to research and implement proper cybersecurity governance.

3. Increased Digital Attack Surface

The COVID-19 pandemic made NGOs adopt digital tools, which has led to cyber risks due to a lack of resources for strong security measures. 

4. Dependence on External Services

Several non-profit organizations depend on external service providers for their digital tools, which makes them susceptible to supply chain.

5. Lack of Cyber Resilience

70% of non-profit organizations feel that they don’t have the important knowledge, skills, and strength to smoothly respond to cyberattacks.

6. Severe Impacts

Cyberattacks can disturb critical services, such as exposing sensitive information of donors or beneficiaries, which may lead to trust issues of the public over the NGO. This can also affect future fundraising efforts.

6 Best Practices for the importance of cybersecurity for non-profits

The Importance of CyberSecurity for Non-profits Organization | CyberPro Magazine

As you read above non-profit organizations face increasing cybersecurity threats, here are the 6 best practices that any NGO should follow to safeguard the organization. 

1. Classify and protect Critical Data

Implement a data classification system to identify, track, and secure sensitive information. Check if proper controls are based on data importance. 

2. Employee Training and Awareness

Educate your staff and volunteers about cybersecurity risks. Give them knowledge of how to avoid phishing, social engineering, and unsafe internet practices. 

3. Leverage Free and Low-Cost Resources

Make use of free or discounted cybersecurity tools and educate your staff about how you should use the tools. 

4. Outsource to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)

Outsource cybersecurity to experts through MSSPs. This practice will help the organization to save the cost of an in-house team and also ensure robust third-party risk management.

 5. Maintain Strong Cyber Hygiene

Keep strong passwords for the systems, and MFA(Multi-Factor Authentication), and update the software regularly. Daily maintain a backup of sensitive data to prevent ransomware and breach of data. 

6. Develop and Test an Incident Response Plan

Make a plan to respond to cyber attacks, this covers incident detection,  data recovery, and communication strategies. Test the plan and keep updating the same to ensure they are practiced effectively and daily. 

The importance of cybersecurity for non-profits lies in protecting sensitive data, maintaining trust, ensuring operational continuity, and preventing financial losses.

Final Thoughts

Trust, but verify.

Cyberattacks can create a bad reputation for organizations as they lead to severe disruptions, financial losses, and data breaches. This reduces public trust in the organization because the donors & beneficiaries feel their information is at risk and might stop giving their information due to which the organization will not be able to fulfill the mission. This tells us that not only NGOs but all organizations should implement cybersecurity measures. Implementation of cybersecurity in organizations can help them to protect their operations, help them to maintain their trust with stakeholders, and keep contributing services to the needy. By investing in robust cybersecurity strategies nonprofit organizations can maintain their reputation and be successful. 

We hope you have understood the importance of cybersecurity for non-profits. 
