Navigating the Intersection of Generative AI and Data Privacy: Insights for Corporate Boards

The Intersection of Generative AI and Data Privacy | CyberPro Magazine


In today’s digital landscape, the integration of cutting-edge technologies like Generative AI into business operations presents a double-edged sword for corporate boards. While the promise of innovation is enticing, the complexities of navigating evolving data privacy laws pose significant challenges. Corporate Board Member columnist Matthew Scott recently sat down with Amy Rojik, head of BDO’s Center for Corporate Governance and a board member for the Association of Audit Committee Members, Inc. (AACMI), to shed light on these critical issues that are poised to dominate corporate board agendas in 2024.

The Balancing Act: Data Privacy vs. Generative AI Integration

Amidst mounting pressure to embrace Generative AI technology, the foremost concern for companies lies in striking a delicate balance between innovation and compliance with data privacy regulations. Rojik emphasizes the gravity of understanding the intricate web of privacy laws across different jurisdictions, stressing that noncompliance can result in hefty penalties. She underscores the necessity for companies to grasp the reach of these regulations, especially concerning client data domiciled in various regions.

Transparency emerges as a cornerstone, with Rojik advocating for clear privacy policies, explicit consent mechanisms, and robust data protection measures. Notably, adherence to privacy standards extends beyond legal obligations, impacting brand reputation and consumer trust. For boards, prioritizing data security mechanisms becomes imperative, necessitating a thorough understanding of the company’s data assets and utilization.

Mitigating Risks Across the Supply Chain

The integration of third-party suppliers into the business ecosystem introduces another layer of complexity in safeguarding data privacy. Rojik highlights the pitfalls of overlooking supplier vetting processes, particularly in light of global regulatory disparities. Boards are urged to scrutinize management’s approach to supplier privacy compliance rigorously, recognizing the inherent vulnerabilities posed by interdependent supply chains. Collaboration within organizations is paramount, with proactive measures required to mitigate risks associated with supplier partnerships. The onus lies on boards to ensure management possesses the necessary resources and strategies to navigate regulatory landscapes effectively.

Strategic Implementation of AI: Opportunities and Responsibilities

As companies contemplate the incorporation of AI into their business strategies, Rojik advocates for a comprehensive approach encompassing multidisciplinary collaboration and strategic alignment with organizational goals. She emphasizes the need for clear policies, robust monitoring systems, and ongoing education to mitigate risks associated with AI integration. Furthermore, ethical considerations and bias mitigation strategies are paramount to uphold data integrity and stakeholder trust. While AI presents unprecedented opportunities for innovation, boards must exercise vigilant oversight to prevent potential pitfalls and ensure responsible AI utilization.


As corporate boards grapple with the complexities of integrating Generative AI into business operations, the imperative to uphold data privacy standards looms large. Amy Rojik’s insights underscore the multifaceted challenges and strategic considerations facing organizations in this evolving landscape. With a nuanced understanding of data privacy regulations, proactive risk mitigation measures, and a commitment to ethical AI utilization, boards can navigate this intersection with confidence, unlocking the transformative potential of AI while safeguarding stakeholder interests.
